The Architectural landmarks in the paintings of Taras Shevchenko

On the occasion of the birthday of Great Kobzar, a talented artist, poet-prophet - Taras Shevchenko, I suggest you to see a collection of his arts by the topic "Ukrainian landmarks in the painting of Taras Shevchenko"


Bohdan's church in Subotiv

Bohdan's ruins in Subotiv

Stone crosses in Subotiv


Monastery of the Elevation of the Holy Cross in Poltava

The house of I. P. Kotlyarevskyi (ukrainian writer) in Poltava


The gate in Hustin. Church of St. Nikolay (Saint Nicholas)

In Hustynya. Refectory Church

В Густині. Церква Петра і Павла


Askold's grave

Vasylkiv Fort in Kyiv

Catholic Church of St. Alexander

Vydubytsky Monastery in Kyiv

Church of All Saints in the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Kyiv-Mezhihirsky Monastery

Kyiv from the Dnipro side.


In Sedniv


Archangel Michael Church

Church of the Intercession in Pereyaslav

Ascension Cathedral in Pereyaslav

Андруші, Київська область

Верби в Андрюшах

Село Андруші було знищене при створенні Канівського водосховища. В останні роки свого існування було включене до Переяслава. Церкву св. Георгія, зведену у 1769 році та яку ми бачимо на картині Шевченка, було перенесено до музею народної архітектури та побуту в Переяславі.

Motronyn monastery

Мотрин монастир


Чигринський дівочий монастир


Почаївська Лавра з півдня

Почаївська лавра з заходу

Собор Почаївської лаври (внутрішній вигляд)

View of the surroundings from the terrace of the Pochaiv Lavra

Reshetylivka, Poltava region

В Решетилівці

Potoky (now in Kyiv region)

Pantry house in Potoky

In Vasylivka

Synagogue. The place is uncertain

The drawing was made during Shevchenko's trip to Kyiv region and Volhynia in 1846

+ Bonus - Archaeological

Landscape with stone baboons

The art was made by Shevchenko during his staying in Poltava region and Kyiv region

The appearance of Perepyatikha before the start of excavations. Drawing by T.G. Shevchenko, 1846.

Perepyatikha is a burial mound of the Scythian period near the village of Maryanivka in the Vasylkiv district of the Kyiv region. It was dates to the end of the 7th century before CE. It is the one of the sights of the Perepet field. Perepyatikha is a monument of the heyday of Steppe Black Sea Scythia.