It is a land of castles and palaces, and there is an ancient temple in almost every village. This is an amazingly picturesque region with its mountains and waterfalls. Lviv region seems to have the largest number of national and local monuments.
Білий Камінь |
Броди |
Busovysko |
Варяж |
Hodovytsia |
Matkiv |
Navariya |
Підгірці |
Sokolivka |
Угнів |
Урич фортеця Тустань |
Yazlivchyk |
Весь перелік

Білий Камінь

The Carpathians are already here, and the Dniester carries its waters, and there is an old church from the 18th century is clad in the armor of modern fashion

Занедбаний, але все ще живий та величний костел святого апостола Марка знаходиться у одному з найдавніших міст Львівщини.

The beautiful work of architectural art was created by great and famous masters, now it is dying slowly in the small village of Lviv region - Hodovytsia