
former Petrivka

Church of the Ascension

There is a wooden church that was built in 1880 and dedicated in honor of the Ascension of the Lord In the village of Kheilove. Before that, in the seventeenth century, there was a church in honor of the martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica, which burned down.

With the coming of Soviet regime and the rise of anti-religious propaganda, four cupolas of the church were ruined (information from social media) and a club of culture was organized in the building. Then the building of the former temple which had been mocked by dancing, was used as a granary. It was only in the early 2000s that the church began to be revived.

The historical name of Khailove was returned to the village in 2016. Before that time, since 1920, the village was called Petrivka.

I found an interesting mention about the village: that when Kazimierz Dachowski was the owner of the village (he also owned a beautiful estate in Leskove), he allocated a separate area in the village where criminals and people leading a dissolute lifestyle were exiled. And it seems that the church was built just for them to atone for their sins :)

What else is interesting in the village?

There is a spring with healing water near the village. The place is cultivated and a chapel was built over the spring.

Мітки: Черкаська область, церкви, дерев'яні храми,