
The first chronicle mention of Tylivka dates back to 1545. Back then, the village was owned by Prince Matvii Chetvertynskyi. In the seventeenth century, Tyliavka belonged to the princes Vyshnevetskyi and later to the Khodkevychs, and in the early nineteenth century it attached to the Franciscan Roman Catholic monastery in Kremenets. After 1863, the village was owned by a Russian landowner Oleksandr Poliakov.

The wooden church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was built in 1793. I do not know what happened to it. But in 1938, another brick church was built in its place. There is a wooden two-tiered bell tower beside the church. The new church was also consecrated in the same way - the Church of the Exaltation. In 326, during the expedition of Queen Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine, who went to the Holy Land in search of Christian relics, the cross on which Christ was crucified was found. It was raised high above the ground so that it could be seen by everyone. This day is celebrated on September 27.


In 1913, ten families moved to Tilyavka from Derman, Rivne region. Among them was the family of the writer Ulas Samchuk, who was 8 years old at the time. Now, in the house where the writer spent his childhood years, the Ulas Samchuk Literary and Memorial Museum has been operating since 1993.

Мітки: Тернопільська область, церкви, музеї,