
near Kozova

Sightseeing. Цікаві місця Some words about Kalne

The first written mention dates back to 1473. There are two versions of the origin of the name of the village. The first is that the name comes from the Tatar word "kaln" - flower; the second version is from the Old Slavic word "kal" - swamp. This word as a folk geographical term has several meanings: wet land, black land, swamp, swamp.

Interesting information about the dialect in Kalny. The local dialect belongs to the Transnistrian dialect of the southwestern Ukrainian language. The "Transnistrian Regional Dictionary" also includes the words and phraseologisms used in Kalny

Prosvita* and other Ukrainian societies in Kalne operated until 1939. In March 1944, as a result of battles between the Soviet Army and German troops, all the buildings on 2 streets were burned.
*- The Prosvita Society (1868-1939) was a non-governmental organization founded in 1868 in Lviv with the mission of cultural and scientific improvement, consolidation of the national community and raising the national identity of the Ukrainian people.

The bandurist, composer and doctor Shtokalko Zynoviy Pavlovich, pseudonym Berezhan Zynoviy, was born in Kalne. In medical circles, he was known as an oncologist, dermatologist, biochemistry specialist, author of scientific developments and articles on the etymology of neoplasms and the treatment of malignant tumors! At the same time, he was fond of the bandura, after emigrating he became a soloist of the T. Shevchenko Bandurist Capella in America. Zynoviy Berezhan collected and processed more than 300 Ukrainian songs, dooms and ballads, and wrote many of his own songs and dooms (you can read more on the ESU website ).

Church of St. Nicholas

A wooden church has been preserved in Kalne. It was built on the place of an older one that had burned down earlier. The current church was built in 1720, registered in 1854 in the shematism of the Greek Catholic clergy of the Lviv Archdiocese. Initially, the church had a shingle roof, but later the roof was covered with tin. A small building annex was added to the one side of the church in the 20th century.

Interesting fact: on May 31, 1902, the church was visited by the Galician Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who left a handwritten note about this in the book of the Holy Gospel, which is kept in the village church.

The church was not closed during the Soviet occupation. It was open all the time, but, according to eyewitnesses, there was no liturgy on Easter, because that day the Communist Party members came to visit.

Not far from the church stands an old two-tiered bell tower, its first tier is brick, the second is wooden. Near it are ancient burial grounds with stone crosses.

It should be noted that in the Ternopil region there is another Kalne (in the Zboriv district) and there is also a wooden church there, and the Lviv region can also boast of its Kalne with a wooden church in honor of the archangel Michael.

Next to the wooden church is an old ash tree (it is over 150 years old). It is registered as a botanical monument of local importance in Ukraine - "Kalnensky ash tree".

The new church was built next to the old one in 1993-2008 and was also consecrated in honor of Saint Nicholas.

Мітки: Тернопільська область, дерев'яні храми,