It is a land of castles and palaces, and there is an ancient temple in almost every village. This is an amazingly picturesque region with its mountains and waterfalls. Lviv region seems to have the largest number of national and local monuments.
Білий Камінь |
Броди |
Busovysko |
Варяж |
Hodovytsia |
Matkiv |
Navariya |
Підгірці |
Sokolivka |
Угнів |
Урич фортеця Тустань |
Yazlivchyk |
Весь перелік

The Church of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an outstanding monument of Boyko architecture located in the village of Matkiv in the Lviv region. In 2013, this large, beautiful church was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

True connoisseurs of architectural antiquity will go to Navariya to see the work of architect Bernard Meretin.


В Угніві Львівської області ще 1695 року було зведено найбільший костел в Україні!