There are 66 monuments of national importance in the Zhytomyr region. And in fact, how many manors and palaces are still unknown to the average tourist, how many sacred heritage? These are wooden temples, churches, and monasteries. There is also a big, powerful monastery-fortress in Berdychev. There is a so-called place of strength, the village of Kamine In the Zhytomyr region. But any people do not live there. You can meet only tourists. Becouse it is landmark of nature: is a giant stones in the middle of the forest like houses. The Zhytomyr region is also rich in picturesque quarries.

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Камінне Село

Neo-Gothic Church of St. Michael is one of the most beautiful in Zhytomyr region, but the Mazaraki Palace, built in the Venetian Gothic style, unfortunately, has not survived.

There is an ancient wooden church stands on the high granite bank of the Polissia river Uzh