Vinnytsia region is rich in historical and architectural heritage.
At the beginning of 2014, 4307 monuments were registered with the state: 1739 - archeology, 1893 - history, 526 - urban planning and architecture, 48 gardening and landscape art, 101 - monumental art.
The State Register of Cultural Heritage Sites of National Significance includes such well-known sights as the Nemirovsky Scythian settlement - one of the largest ancient settlements of Ukraine, the Potocki palace in the city of Tulchin, the palace of Princess Shcherbatova in Nemyriv, the Potockys' crypt in the Cave, the burial vault of M.I. Pirogov in Vinnitsa, and many others.
There are a large number of palaces and manors on the territory of Vinnytsia region.
Unique landscapes adorn the nature of Vinnytsia region. Dniester and Southern Bug - waterways of the region, create the unique beauty of those places. There are many nature reserves, sanctuaries, and natural boundaries in the Vinnytsia region.
The State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Busha" has been functioning since 2000. It includes archaeological monuments, a rock church, the remains of a fortress and underground passages of the 16th century.
Historical monuments of national importance include the Museum-Estate of M. Kotsyubinsky and Nicola Pirohov, the graves of prominent composers Leontovich, P. Nishchinsky and the grave Danil Nechay colleague of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky.
The region is really rich in historical, architectural and natural monuments. Each time it opens something new, interesting and unique for the tourist. There are more than a hundred museums in the region. There are also recreational areas and many health centers. There are deposits of table mineral waters ("Regina", "Knyazhna", "Shumilivska", "Podolskaya", "Rosyana") in the Vinnitsa region.
Мітки: Вінницька область,

В Іванові Калинівського району чимало памяток: замок та палац графа Холоневского, костел Непорочного Зачаття Діви Марії, і стара церква на цвинтарі.

Іллінці може здатися містом з не дуже привабливою та занедбаною архітектурою, хоча тут збереглася найстаріша деревяна церква району та симпатичний цегляний собор, який був зведений на кошти княгині Демидової Сан-Донато

В Капустянах зберігся частоково палац, будинок керуючого маєтком. Також є деревяний храм влмч. Димітрія Солнуського